罗淑娟,女,讲师,博士,2005-2009年就读于武汉理工大学英语专业,获学士学位;2009-2017年就读于美国肯特州立大学教育文化基础(Cultural Foundations)专业,先后获教育硕士和哲学博士学位;2018年7月至今任教于公海jcjc5500教育学院。研究方向为教育社会学、比较教育学、女性教育。
1.Wu, H. &Luo, S.(2022). Integrating MOOCs in an undergraduate English course: students’ and teachers’ perceptions of blended learning.Sage Open, April-June: 1-15. DOI: 10.1177/21582440221093035. (第二作者和通讯作者). SSCI 期刊收录
2.Luo, S.& Seeberg, V. (2022). Rural Migrant Women’s Informal Learning of Life Skills in Social Networks in Urban China.Sage Open, January-March: 1-12. DOI: 10.1177/21582440221079820. (第一作者和通讯作者). SSCI 期刊收录
3.Seeberg, V. &Luo, S.(2018). Migrating to the City in North West China: Young Rural Women’s Empowerment. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 19 (3), 289-307. (第二作者)SSCI期刊收录
4.Luo.S.(2018). Life Skills and Young Migrant Women in Urban China.Women and Gender in China, 7.(Online Journal)
5.Luo, S.(2017).Young Chinese Female Migrant Worker’s Life Skills Learning, Its sources and Empowerment Properties in Their Own Words.(Doctoral Dissertation)
6.Seeberg, V. &Luo, S.(2017). Young Women Rural Migrant Workers in China’s West: Benefits of Schooling? Frontiers of Education in China,12 (3): 332-366.
Seeberg, V.,Luo, S., & Ya, N. (2018).The Role of the Church and Religious Learning of Young Women Migrant Workers in Western China. In Malini Sivasubramaiam & Ruth Hayhoe (Eds), Religion and education: Comparative and International Perspectives(111-130).Oxford, United Kingdom: Symposium Books Ltd.
2017.5 肯特州立大学教育学院博士生杰出研究奖